2023 USHJA Outreach

2023 USHJA Outreach

December 17, 2022

Hi Everyone, We wanted to reach out to you all and let you know about the opportunities for our local equestrian community regardless of the discipline!  Our goal is to provide a welcoming competitive atmosphere where every local equestrian can come and get some practice, tweak their skills, take advantage of some exciting opportunities, and even more.  And be able to participate without membership fees!  From In hand classes like the Model and Breeding classes to great prize money classes throughout the year.    There is something for everyone.   Here are the dates and the highlights for the year to come.  We truly hope you all consider joining us at any or all of the shows.  Everyone is welcome!! 

Highlights at every show: In hand classes adding a new walk trot-only Crossrail equitation on the flatAdults can do walk trotJumper classes for .60m to 1.10m and currently offering Table II sec 1; Table II 2b and Table II2c formats so you can practice them all.  Only two formats will be offered at each show unless a special class is planned. Open classes for cross rails to 3’Classes restricted to juniors and amateurs/Am equitation classes for each fence heightPrizes for first place ribbonsTrainer Incentive Fund paying participating trainers random cash bonusesWalk and walk trot one at a time classes where handlers are allowed free USHJA Outreach membership if you choose to earn points towards National and Zone year-end awards by competing in any of these USHJA outreaches shows and being a USHJA member at the Outreach level or higher, you will qualify to compete at the USHJA Outreach Festival to be held at Fox Lea Farm in Venice, Florida.  

Dates for 2023 and Highlights for each:

Saturday, February 11th: Two $500 Gambler’s Choice Jumper Classes are planned.

May 20th: $500 Hunter Derbies are being planned.

October 8th: Cavalloween and special Medal classes  *the mounted costume class and the party will be Saturday the 7th  after school.

November 4th: The first round of the Jumper Championships will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 pm.

November 5th: The Championship Show with special championship classes and awards.

Saturday, July 29th Judge My Ride day at Cavallo Farms. 

Courses will be set and riders can do as many courses as they wish with instant feedback from a USEF “R” licensed judge after each one and the ability to redo a portion of their course.  A great way to practice and get some additional insight into what the judges are looking for and reacting to. Let us know if there is anything we can do to assist you in your competition endeavors and if you have any questions or suggestions.  We look forward to hearing from you all and seeing you all at the horse shows! 

– Amy and Janet
We are so proud of our own Amy Owen Center. Her dedication to our sport is amazing and it shows with this well-deserved award!!! Congrats Amy!!